Summer Camp 2025 Policies & Terms



All payments—except tuition for Camp Invention—are made through CampDoc. You may pay in full or set up a monthly payment plan. Monthly payment plans are available through April 20, 2025. After April 20, 2025, payment in full is required at the time of registration.


When a camp reaches capacity, you may choose to add your child’s name to an automated waitlist. Should a spot become available, we will contact families in the order in which requests were received.

TNCS Camp Cancellations

Camps must meet a minimum enrollment in order to run. If The New Century School cancels a camp session, families may receive a refund or they may change to an available session.

Changes to Your Registration

Registration changes are handled on a case-by-case basis by request. We may not be able to accommodate all requests. Changes are subject to a $25 change fee.

Cancellations and Withdrawals

Cancellations and withdrawals made before May 20, 2025 are subject to a withdrawal fee of up to 50% of tuition; no refunds will be issued after May 20, 2025.

Additional Fees

After the start of camp, account holders (parents) agree to be billed for any additional expenses incurred (e.g., adding extended care, lunch).

Available Discounts

  • Preschool “10 Week” Discount: Register for all 10 weeks of preschool summer camp, and get one week free.
  • Early Bird: Register before March 15, 2025 and save $25/week.
  • Discounts apply to tuition only.

Additional Forms & Paperwork

K-8 Camps: Complete the Participant Information and other sections on CampDoc before May 20, 2025. These camps are administered under Maryland Youth Camp licensing.

Primary Fun Camp: For current and incoming TNCS students, most forms and paperwork are managed through Blackbaud. (You will still need to complete a limited number of sections on CampDoc.) Non-TNCS students are required to submit additional paperwork via CampDoc.

Preprimary Summer Program: Your forms and paperwork are managed through Blackbaud. Please complete the short questionnaire on CampDoc by April 15, 2025, and we will contact you if any updates are required. The Preprimary Summer Program is administered under TNCS’s regular school year licensing with the MSDE and OCC.

Terms & Conditions

The following terms and conditions also appear on the Authorization tab in CampDoc and are provided here for reference only.

In consideration of participating in TNCS camps and programs, I, the child’s parent and/or legal guardian, understand the nature of the activities and the child’s experience and capabilities, and believe my child to be qualified to participate in such activities, and I hereby give permission for my child to participate in activities with The New Century School.

In case of medical emergency, I give permission to TNCS staff to call EMT personnel to treat, stabilize and or transport my child. I understand that in emergencies requiring immediate medical attention, my child will be taken to the nearest hospital emergency room. My electronic signature authorizes the responsible person at TNCS to have my child transported to that hospital.

I understand that if my child has allergies, special dietary needs, or medical restrictions on activities, I am required to submit detailed information. I understand the information submitted will be shared on a ‘need to know’ basis with camp staff. I give permission to photocopy this form.

If I am registering for activities that take place offsite, I give permission for staff to transport my child in the school van. I give permission for my child to participate in supervised neighborhood walks and extended campus activities. I agree that The New Century School may take pictures or make video/audio recordings of my child’s voice, image and/or likeness.

I agree to indemnify and hold harmless TNCS against any and all claims, suits or actions of any kind whatsoever for liability, damages, compensation or otherwise brought by me or anyone on my behalf, including attorney’s fees and any related costs.

I agree that electronically signed versions and signed facsimiles shall be treated as original documents.