Financial Aid and Scholarships

Helping Elementary and Middle School Families

TNCS embraces diversity in every aspect of school functioning, and economic diversity is an important facet of our school community. We provide financial assistance to qualified Elementary and Middle School families who might otherwise find tuition for independent education out of reach.

Additionally, we offer a merit-based scholarship to Middle School students who qualify.


The New Century School does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, religion, or national or ethnic origin in the administration of admissions policy, educational policies, or any other program administered by the school.

Start Your Journey with TNCS

Financial Aid and Scholarships: Kindergarten-8th Grade

Financial Aid Overview

We welcome your family to apply for financial aid for our Elementary and Middle School programs.

Please note that families who receive financial aid must reapply annually. The amount of assistance may fluctuate based on changes in financial status.

Applying for Financial Aid

To gather the necessary financial information that will help us identify eligible families, we partner with FACTS Financial Aid Assessment. Once your information has been processed through FACTS, our Financial Aid Committee determines how much your family might be able to contribute toward education costs and how much financial assistance might be needed.

You do not need to wait for acceptance into TNCS before starting the financial aid process, but you must have submitted your completed application prior to consideration for financial aid.

Step 1: Submit your Application for Enrollment

Submit an Application to be considered for admission to TNCS for the upcoming school year.

Step 2: Submit an Application to FACTS Grant & Aid Assessment

FACTS Grant & Aid Assessment is an independent, third-party company that conducts financial analysis to determine your family’s financial need. Once you have applied through FACTS, we receive a confidential report outlining your financial situation based on the information obtained in your application and supporting tax documents. Your transparency and good faith during this process are essential. There is a small application fee.

Step 3: Financial Aid Decision

There is no standard amount of financial aid; rather, each decision is made on an individual basis. If your family is determined to be eligible, the amount of your assistance will be based on what contributions your family is able to make toward the cost of your child’s education. We will notify you of the decision in writing.

What We Consider

To help your family make up the difference between tuition costs and how much you can contribute, we look at federal income tax returns, W-2 forms, and supporting documentation for non-taxable income as well as the following factors:

  • Number of children in family
  • Number of children attending tuition-charging schools
  • Discretionary expenditures
  • Annual retirement savings

Both Parents’ Finances Determine Financial Aid Eligibility

In considering a family’s eligibility for financial aid at TNCS, both biological/adoptive parents’ income, assets, and other pertinent financial details are taken into account. This includes parents sharing a residence, parents living in separate countries, parents who are separated or divorced, and parents who are remarried.

Separated or divorced parents who share child custody must each complete a FACTS financial aid application. If either parent has remarried, the step-parent’s financial information must also be included on the FACTS application. Thus, each parent contributes to the cost of education according to his or her ability. Supporting legal documentation may be requested, such as divorce certificates and child support decrees.

Middle School Scholarship Overview

TNCS offers a $500 renewable merit-based scholarship to Middle School students. Our scholarship is designed for students who have demonstrated academic excellence and community commitment and who would benefit from our challenging, multilingual, academic program. 


How To Apply for a Middle School Scholarship

The deadline to apply for the upcoming academic year is January 15th. Families of applicants are not required to submit a financial aid application.

Step One: Apply to TNCS
Prospective Students Start Here

Scholarship applicants must submit the TNCS application form and follow through with the regular admissions process in addition to completing the scholarship application process. 

Step Two: Letter of Introduction
Current Student Start Here

Applicants must submit a letter of introduction to the Selection Committee that includes one of the following:

  1.  Describe how you have contributed to your community (no more than 300 words).
  2.  Tell us about a challenge you have overcome and what you learned (no more than 500 words).

Step Three: Letters of Recommendation

Submit two (2) letters of recommendation by adults who are not related to the applicant but who know the applicant well, such as a current or past teacher, coach, or youth activity leader.

Step Four: Interview

Finalists are invited to interview with a school administrator. 

Once every step has been completed, the TNCS Selection Committee will review and evaluate finalist applications based on academic achievement, community activities, recommendations, and the student’s own story.

Scholarships awards be announced with your admissions decision.

What We Consider

To be considered for the TNCS Merit Scholarship, the following criteria must be met:

  • The student is entering 6th, 7th, or 8th grade.
  • The student has maintained a record of high academic achievement.
  • The student has demonstrated a commitment to serve the community.

TNCS is committed to providing children with the social and academic foundations they need to become meaningfully contributing members of society, and to helping families afford this exceptional education.