Tutoring at TNCS

TNCS offers supplemental tutoring in the following subjects to students in grades K to 8:

  • Math
  • Reading
  • Writing and composition
  • Spanish
  • Chinese

Submit your request now through our Google form >

Tutoring sessions at TNCS are customized to address individual learning goals.

Tutoring to Support and Challenge Students

Tutoring programs at TNCS provide either personalized enrichment or remedial instruction. Whether your child is looking to strengthen foundational skills, boost confidence, or explore advanced concepts, our instructors tailor lessons to meet individual learning needs.

Tutoring is available in the following subjects: math, reading, writing and composition, Spanish, and Chinese. Request a tutor today and help your child thrive academically.

Tutoring Rates 30 Minutes 45 Minutes 60 Minutes
Individual 1:1 private tutoring $30 $45 $60
Personalized semi-private tutoring (2–3 students) N/A $35 $45

Looking for Extracurricular Activities?

Sign up for conversational language classes and other extracurricular activities.

Tutoring FAQs

How do I know if my child would benefit from tutoring?

Tutoring is supplemental teaching. For some students, targeted support helps them more readily master academic subjects. For other students, enrichment tutoring can help them attain advanced goals or more deeply explore a subject or skill outside of the classroom.


Can I directly hire TNCS faculty or staff to tutor my child?

TNCS policy requires that you arrange your tutoring through us, and we believe that centralizing services will benefit both teachers and students, while supporting the TNCS model.

Have questions? Contact us for more information.