As a multilingual school offering instruction in English, Spanish, and Mandarin Chinese, The New Century School honors the Lunar New Year in high style each year. Celebrating the new year [...]
The New Century School occupies an elite niche in education, providing instruction and learning opportunities for students ages 2 all the way up through 8th grade. To accomplish this mighty [...]
At The New Century School, students in the primary program are fortunate to work with an educator who brings a unique creative perspective to the classroom. Brenda Lane, a visual [...]
As part of its commitment to The Arts, The New Century School takes student performances to the next level! On Thursday, December 12, TNCS elementary and middle school students performed [...]
The New Century School‘s preschool division exemplifies the profound impact of authentic Montessori education under the guidance of Preschool Coordinator Terriann Lane. Now in her second year, Ms. Lane has [...]